Secret gay bar las vegas

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RELATED: Visit our LGBTQIA travel hub for welcoming hotels, the ultimate queer events calendar, inspiration, and more!Īnd by balls we mean tennis, bowling, soccer and dodge, of course. While it’s customary to roll the dice, placing a bet on these “must do” queer attractions is the safest move you can make. But Vegas is nevertheless a nonstop party oozing queer campiness (think sequined showgirls, Magic Mike-style strippers and of course, Brittany and Cher) and a jackpot if you’re into apps like Grindr and Scruff (it’s easy to meet people without even leaving the resort). Contrary to its outsized personality and reputation, Las Vegas is a relatively small city with a population of only 600,000 so don’t arrive expecting a gay scene to rival that of New York City or Los Angeles (or even San Diego for that matter).

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